Quit Shaming Me. A Letter From My Mama Heart

Do you men remember that Unicorn drink from Starbucks? It had been layers of blue and red topped with whipped cream and sparkly sprinkles. It was pure fatty magical frothy goodness. One Saturday I was checking out at the supermarket with all three kids and the store clerk, a young man probably in his 20’s, asked us what we should were up to that day.

I stared blankly at him, blinking hard. Keep telling yourself that. Chip away at my mama center will ya? Just earlier this week I’ve had in-depth conversations with my mom, my mom-in-law, and my neighbor (and good friend) about what I call “mom-shaming”. It really is happening throughout me. It’s all because of us, parents, US!

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  • 10 years back from Idaho
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We don’t feed our kids nutritious food, they play too many video games, we don’t play enough board video games with them, we bribe them too much, we coddle them, or because they aren’t outdoors using enough. Full disclosure. As you know, our gal Ellie has Down syndrome. And there’s a definite rule that I break, and I break it hard.

I dare the writer to take Ellie to a football game or a restaurant and ask her to sit quietly. I could bring color books, toys, snack foods, and even a leash (full disclosure, remember?) and this girl shall not stick with us. In the world of Down syndrome this is called “bolting” and it’s really a genuine thing.

So I acknowledge I let her watch her YouTube videos or play video games on my mobile phone. We are lucky to live in Oregon. It is beautiful here, and when it’s not raining our children are from their bicycles, on the trampoline, playing with the building or neighbours forts. Not unlike my childhood, really.

And if they’re inside your home, we are usually relaxing, viewing a movie, day playing video gaming or discussing our. Nintendo addict. Because with sports activities, art, appointments, work, and college, our life can be fairly active. So I admit we don’t eat dinner throughout the dinner table every single night. The children were fed by me mac-n-cheese with hot canines in it. I was tired, damn it. So, I’ve determined, I’ve made a stand in my overly tired mom-brain.