Can I Request Another One?

1 – What text should be there in the look? 3 – What’s your logo design idea in exactly one phrase? 4 – Any kind of pre-existing brand colors or preferred colors that should be present in the logo? 5 – (optional) What’s your (business) eyesight or motto? 6 – (optional) Preferred design style: A. Font-based B. Symbol/Icon-based C. Mascot?

Posting your design specs early in the thread does not mean your logo design will be designed and I might or might not select to work on projects in chronological order. This is a limited promotion and work may visit any point so there is no guarantee I will design your logo for free. Not publishing your design specs in the format specified in this article shall probably indicate I ignore your post.

If you’d like to buy a paid plan, you can certainly do so by visiting our website and submitting the proper execution. Q: How do I receive the logo design? A: I first answer your post by quoting it and placing a mockup of your logo design. You PM me with your email address Then.

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  • 2 years ago from Vancouver Island, Canada
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The documents will be shipped at that address as soon as possible. Q: MAY I also buys a logo or get in touch with you? Q: What’s your design process for paid projects? Q: What software are you using to design logos? A: Adobe Illustrator & Inkscape. Q: Do you also design other images? A: Yes, get in contact via the website contact page.

Edits: I’ll upgrade this post frequently to include new designs as I create them for you guys. Joined the forum due to this post Just! 3 – Sorry no idea! Can I request another one? I am not reselling these only need a great deal of idea. Is it Ok easily request an avatar for my steam account?

Great work and a lovely gesture of free, some amazing logos there. 4. Logo will be sat on a bright blue history. We use, white, gray and the odd splash of green, yellow, and red occasionally. All in a ‘flat’ style. 5. When bounty hunting, it gets difficult managing all in a spreadsheet when you have many ongoing tasks, we aim to create a bit of software which modernizes this.